WKU and KASA have Partnered to Provide a Discounted Tuition Rate for Educational Leadership Doctoral Program

Western Kentucky University and the Kentucky Association of School Administrators have partnered to provide KASA members a discounted tuition rate for the educational leadership doctoral program. 

The WKU Ed.D. is now taking applications for the summer 2021 cohort that will focus on Leading Diverse Learners.  The closed cohort is designed for career professionals who aspire to leadership positions and are inspired to drive positive systemic change for diverse learners based on race, ethnicity, gender disability and socio-economic status. 

 The model is part of the Carnegie Project for the Education Doctorate (CPED) targeting Practitioner Scholars investigating a problem of practice in P-12 education focusing on Leading Diverse Learners. Bridging the divide between theory and practice, the program equips students with the deep understanding and contextual experience needed to lead organizational change in P-12 education.

The Leading Diverse Learners closed cohort Ed.D. brings together online learning and in-person experiences to offer students a program that is robust and challenging.

For more information about the WKU Ed.D. program or the Leading Diverse Learners closed cohort, visit https://www.wku.edu/edd/ or apply here

Visit the KASA website for additional information about KASA membership.


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