Case Study on Education Fiscal Policy and Adequacy Funding in Kentucky compared to Kansas

 Adequacy funding in education is one of the defining education policy issues of the past 50 years. Since the economic downturn in 2008, shortfalls in state revenues have led to widespread reductions in state education budgets bringing adequacy arguments back to the forefront. 

The attached link is a preprint of a case study that examines two states-- Kentucky and Kansas-- and compares the evolution of the politics and policy of adequacy efforts as an approach to education finance prior to and since 2008.

The study is based on a white paper that I published for the Kentucky Superintendent's Association in 2019 and research that I conducted while studying education policy at Johns Hopkins University in 2018.  

It is kind of a sad fact that challenges of adequacy funding have not become outdated.  Access the preprint here:


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