Teachers were standouts among the Dickensian challenges of 2020

As a lover of history and literature, I have always been interested in the works of Charles Dickens, especially his role in shaping the modern holiday of Christmas with his work A Christmas Carol . I admire how Dickens used his writing to address important issues around social justice focusing on the most vulnerable in society. One of the most poignant moments in A Christmas Carol is when the Ghost of Christmas Present confronts Scrooge with two disadvantaged children he called Ignorance and Want . Dickens' inspiration for these two characters actually came from a visit to a school in London that served some of the most severely depraved children living in the slums of the city. He believed the seeds of ruin are sown in any society that neglects to care for the most needy. He fundamentally believed that society had an important role in collectively working together to care for those in need. As educators we have faced many Dickensian challenges in 2020. The pandemic has f...